

About Us

It has been almost twenty long years Baba Sai Industries have being serving Nashik market with a wide range of products related to adhesives.Our range includes Premium Adhesives which are water resistant, bubble resistant and fast bonding.

We also have Economy range of adhesives which are used by furniture manufacturer, carpenters, repairing, paper, cardboard and particle board purpose.

Our inspiration

Mr. Prakash Chugh

In the annals of adhesive history, Mr. Prakash Chugh stands as an indomitable pioneer and visionary founder, crafting a legacy that adheres firmly to the foundations of success. Born into the tapestry of Nasik city, his journey was etched with the contours of struggle in his early years, yet destiny had preordained him for greatness. In the pivotal year of 1996, Mr. Chugh embarked on a daring odyssey, laying the cornerstone of what would metamorphose into the formidable ‘Unicol’ adhesive empire. His audacious foray into the realm of adhesives not only marked the inception of a company but also the genesis of an entire industry in India. Mr. Prakash Chugh, with a keen foresight, helped sculpt the nascent adhesive landscape, contributing significantly to the formation and evolution of the adhesive industry in the country. 

 Beyond the boardrooms and production floors, Mr. Prakash Chugh emerged as a luminary, illuminating the path for aspiring entrepreneurs in the adhesive realm.

His journey, an epic narrative of triumph over adversity, resilience, and pioneering spirit, transcends the bounds of a traditional biography, resembling more a masterpiece painted with strokes of determination and brilliance. Today, as ‘Unicol’ continues to be an adhesive colossus, Mr. Prakash Chugh’s biography is not just a chronicle of a man; it is an anthology of inspiration, a testament to the transformative power of dreams, dedication, and the adhesive that binds them all together – the indomitable spirit of Mr. Prakash Chugh


Chandan Furniture Manufacturer

"I've been using this adhesive for various design projects, and it never disappoints. It's versatile, durable, and holds up well under different conditions."

Ankita Interior Designer

"As an interior designer, I appreciate the quality and consistency of this adhesive. It's a must-have in my toolbox for any design project."

Pooja Architect & Interior Designer

"The adhesive is versatile and can be used for various applications, from attaching materials to creating intricate designs. It's a must-have in my toolbox for any project. "

Rahul Project Developer

"The adhesives are reliable, easy to use, and performs exceptionally well even in challenging environments. I recommend it to every builder"


Strong Home

Strong Adhesive stronger home. This project shows our adhesive being used in real project and its strength.